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Monday, April 8, 2013

Book Review - GPS Your Best Life by Charmaine Hammond and Debra Kasowski

Book Review

GPS Your Best Life
by Charmaine Hammond & Debra Kasowski
About the Authors
Charmaine Hammond
Charmaine Hammond, is an international transformational speaker and is a #1 international best selling and award winning author of dog book On Toby's Terms, a book about Charmaine's dog which is currently in development to be a motion picture with Impact Motion Pictures, Toby The Pet Therapy Dog & His Hospital Friends, the next in the series, Be a Buddy Not a Bully as well as Toby and His Forever Family will be released early 2013. 

Charmaine is also a founding and board member of the Evolutionary Business Council, and host of three wildly popular radio shows. She also teaches and mentors authors on Your Book as a Business.

Debra Kasowski
Debra Kasowski has a BSc in Nursing and has practiced nurs­ing for over seventeen years. She has combined her passion and love of helping people with her professional speaking career to inspire and help people transform their lives; she also leads several workshops and provides personal strategy coaching. She is the founder of the Millionaire Woman Club, a global community of women who are highly motivated and passionate about helping women become"rich from the inside out."

Debra is also a founding member of the Evolutionary Busi­ness Council and her newest book, "The Entrepreneurial Mom's Guide to Growing a Business, Raising a Family, and Creating a Life You Love! will be coming out in the spring of 2013.  

Book Description
GPS Your Best Life (Success Strategies): Charting Your Destination and Getting There in Style gives you simple, practical strategies, accompanied by down to earth assessment tools. This book will put you behind the wheel to guide you from figuring out what revs your engine and what’s blocking your view, and following your unique road map to your desired destination while learning to navigate the obstacles and road blocks along the way.
The book helps you determine where you are now, and, through practical strategies and assessments, helps you clarify what you want in your personal and career life, and shows you how to expertly navigate through hidden fears and procrastination so as to get on the road to success now!

International Best-selling author and transformational speaker, Charmaine Hammond and Debra Kasowski, sought after world class speaker and Founder/CEO of The Millionaire Woman Club have joined forces to help you create the life you truly want to live.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could figure out your true calling so you could live you best life?

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Our Book Review
Receiving GPS Your Best Life to review couldn't have come at a better time for myself, since the New Year I have been battling with what I really want my life to look like against what it currently looks like and basically I haven't gone any further.  I know deep down what I want and what I think I need to do but other things seem too important and lack of time does not help.

The book helps you determine what you really want in your own life and where you are currently in relation to this and helps you plot the best route possible.  Life certainly isn't perfect and deciding on working on your goals isn't going to be straightforward but it helps you work around problems, not letting excuses get in the way.

Going through the different questionnaires and tasks made me realise that I need to change but am scared to do so.  The GPS Checkup questionnaire was spot on showing that I know what I need/want but am struggling with the how to.  The most important chapter for me and the biggest eye-opener was 'Clearing Your Windshield and Seeing The Road Ahead'.  How can you possibly begin a new journey if you cannot even see through the windscreen, you need to clear the screen from bugs and dirt which relate to clutter in your life, living in the past, avoidance, not been able to say no and doing too many things at once BUT it doesn't have to be completely clean to begin the journey.  This is where I was getting stuck and by using the techniques to break things down it really isn't as daunting as I was allowing myself to think.  I need to keep it realistic in simple steps and keep focused with prompts to help, it will take quite some time but I am determined that I will get there.

The whole terminology throughout the book referring to you as the driver with your internal GPS helping you navigate through challenges and towards goals really makes sense and makes it easier to understand as you go through the different chapters.  The book also includes many real life examples which seem to add extra clarification to the subject.  Each chapter is summarised at the end with 'Road Rules to Live By' and 'Mapping Your Way'.

To fully reach your true destination you will need the willingness and motivation so you can focus on putting your plan into action and not be afraid of asking for support.  I've read quite a few self help books in the past and this one is definitely the most user friendly and one of the easiest ones to understand, it gives you the feeling that you can actually achieve your true life destination.

Reading the book once will not be enough, I think this is a great book to keep close at hand to refer to when you need it as you progress forwards and is what I will certainly be doing.

'Imagine putting on a pair of glasses to help you see crystal clear and bring everything into sharp focus.'

Our Rating 

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Sharon x

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  1. What a neat concept helping us understand the importance of planning and living life on purpose! Love the terminology!

  2. I enjoy reading a book with helpful hints. Need to get on that right road.

  3. I guess, everyone needs to own this GPS Your Best Life! It will help to understand what a person wants and the person's purpose in life.

  4. That's really impressive book, i am sure it would help me more about person's purpose in life

  5. Books such as this one is a must-read. I really need to get back to reading regularly again.

  6. I love self help books. Keep on reading more like this.

  7. I really wish this book had been out years ago--

  8. This is such a great book. I passed it on to my teenager and he is actually paying attention to it, the fact that it relates everything to a car is keeping him tuned in. How brilliant it was to have them do that.

  9. i'm not into books very much but this one is interesting to read as it add values in life.

  10. I would have loved to have had this book


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