In this highly anticipated sequel to the best-selling Dog-Ma, The Zen of Slobber, Izzy, the feisty and ferocious terrier, has lost her eyesight. Following on the heels of this devastating loss, her arch-rival Morgan - a gentle giant of a Rottweiler - suddenly succumbs to cancer. Finding herself a lonely-only, it's not long before Izzy finds herself nose-to-nose with her humans' new pet project: a foster Rottie pup also named Morgan. Quickly renamed Emmi to avoid confusion (and the wrath of Izzy,) it was to be the beginning of a journey unlike any other.
Severely injured as a newborn, Emmi—affectionately known to her fast-growing online fan base as Baby Morgan the Broken Jaw Puppy—is hanging onto life by a thread. Living with a crushed jaw that has left her unable to open her mouth to eat or drink, the prognosis is grim. Baby Morgan is starving to death. Having rescued her from a horrific life, her parents spring into all-out desperation mode to find her the best lifesaving medical care. Despite the advice of veterinary professionals to euthanize, her parents are determined to save her at all costs. Taking to the Internet, they rally a huge online community of dog lovers who quickly become their second family. It does not take long for Emmi's sheer determination and ferocious will to live to take hold.
This is Emmi's miracle. A story of hope, inspiration and triumph in the face of adversity.
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“This book is a must read for animal lovers, everywhere. Barbara Boswell Brunner pulls at your heartstrings in Loving Emmi, a rescue story like no other. When Barbara, and her husband, Ray, decide it's time to foster another dog, they have no idea what they're getting into. This is their story, but it's also the story of every "imperfect" shelter dog; a story that promises to open eyes and hearts. A fantastic read. Two paws, way, way up.”
- Author Nick Antinozzi – Desperate Times Trilogy
“A captivating and heartwarming story that illustrates the deep and trusting bond that exists between dogs and humans, written with true understanding, compassion, and love. A must-read gem of a book.”
Author Kathryne Arnold – The Resurrection of Hannah
Read an excerpt HERE

Also Available....
Dog-Ma: the Zen of Slobber (Dog-Ma Book 1)
Dog-Ma: the Zen of Slobber (Dog-Ma Book 1)
Barbara's vivid and dramatic stories, told with a wicked sense of humor, will make you laugh out loud. She definitely gets what living with rescued dogs (nine of them!) is all about.
When Barbara meets her future husband, Ray, it is love-and dog-at first sight. Over the course of thirty-two years, seventeen relocations and nine dogs, their mutual love of dogs guides them on their unconventional path. The love that Barbara and Ray get in return is literally lifesaving, with one dog attacking a lethal intruder and another discovering Barbara’s cancer. Her own survival story underscores the story of how her dogs become survivors themselves.
Each new dog adds its own dynamic to the family, sometimes upending it. From Turbo (whose Spock-like ears may have provided super powers), Barbara learns about the will to live; Lexington demonstrates incredible patience and an inexplicable love of golf; Madison teaches that laughter is truly the best medicine and that the whole “nine lives thing” is not reserved just for cats; Morgan should be sainted for tolerating Izzy, who is as cute as she is bad. Barbara is certain that somewhere in doggie heaven there is a poster that says “If you are sick, injured or in need of really expensive medical care, FIND THESE HUMANS!”
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Available to buy at....
"Anyone who loves dogs and animals will thoroughly enjoy this book, you will find the authors love, compassion and kindness to her dogs unconditional and the sacrifices both her and her husband make are unbelievable." - Beck Valley Books
"A sweet, funny and poignant book that I read, cover to cover in just one sitting. It caused me to shed more than a few tears, brought many smiles to my face and even made me laugh out loud a time or two. Whether you’re head over heels for furbabies or are just looking for a great read, this is the book for you!" - Jayedee Halpin Dewitt
"If you love dogs, if you’ve ever rescued a dog, or if you just want a book that exemplifies the extraordinary bond that develops between dogs and the humans who love them, you must read Dog-ma the Zen of Slobber." - Terrier Torrent
Read an excerpt HERE
About the Author
Award Winning Author, Barbara Brunner grew up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania with her parents, sister and always a dog, or two or three. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from a small women's college in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. Meeting her husband in Washington, DC, they continued together on a journey as self-proclaimed dog addicts. In the ensuing years, she founded three successful businesses in the Pacific Northwest and is a prolific fundraiser for breast cancer research. She and her husband are retired and now reside in Southwest Florida with two dogs and copious amounts of dog fur. She is currently working on indulging her well known flip flop addiction.
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My cat slipped as she jumped up on my desk onto a pile of papers which fell on top of her as she fell. She hissed and growled at those papers like a wildcat for a full minute and I couldn't stop laughing.
ReplyDeleteOur Ozzy LOVES belly rubs! And every morning when my hubby comes downstairs to head to work, Ozzy will immediately lie on the floor holding his legs straight up ready to get a belly rub!!
ReplyDeleteMy cat follows me everywhere & leans against me. Cat is not solitary. . Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. :)
ReplyDeleteMy dog ran full speed into our sliding glass door because he thought it was open!
ReplyDeleteMy cat does some crazy things but the craziest thing is that he acts like a dog! He chases his tail & always has his mouth open and his tongue out and pants like a dog lol
ReplyDeleteMy dog loves to roll down the windows in the back seat when we go for a car ride.
ReplyDeleteHe once went running out in the backyard thinking the snow was not so deep and disappeared under it. Doesn't sound too funny, but looked hilarious!
ReplyDeleteOut bunny swears on his life he is a cat. Loves to be rubbed and prefers to be indoors. He is such a crack up!
ReplyDeleteMy dog hasn't understood the concept of "Caution: Wet Floor" whenever it's been mopped she always wants to run and she slips and slides and crashes into stuff. She just doesn't get it yet. Luckily she never gets hurt but it is funny to watch her. LOL. :)
ReplyDeletePooped in the bathroom sink when we went out of town Rosanne rosans4@comcast.net
ReplyDeleteThe funniest thing she has done lately is that she peeled and ate two oranges while I was in the bathroom.
ReplyDeleteentry form name: Marlene V
lol gud qestion. my tug plays with the ball while douing so he just sits on that ball and keeps scratching. its funny to watch. (sachin )
ReplyDeleteMy dog can lift the toilet seat with his head and he drinks from the toilet.
ReplyDeleteThe funniest my pet has done is when he rushed into my dad's lap and peed. It was so funny that my dad even laughed it off
ReplyDeleteI do not have a pet at the moment. However when I was a kid I had a goose named Herman and he would fly up into my dad's lap and pull his cigarette package out of his shirt pocket.
ReplyDeleteMy dog jumped into the dryer one time.
ReplyDeleteMy little pup Anubus, he's half mini pin, part chihuahua and part something, he will walk on his two back legs for treats!
ReplyDeleteMy dog chases his tail at times.
ReplyDeleteOur kitten loves playing with toilet paper!
ReplyDeletei would have to say my dog was being silly one d ay and ran right into the wall was so so funny
ReplyDeleteOur dog came charging into bedroom and jumped on bed and rolled over and over
ReplyDeleteOne of the funniest things that my cat has done, was play with mini-marshmallows. She had put her paw into the bag of marshmallows and it got stuck on her nail. She kept waving her paw in the air trying to get it to come off. It looked like she had a marshmallow pompom and was doing some kind of silly cheer lol. And I got it all on tape lol. It was sooooooo funny!! She couldn't get it off, she finally let me pick her up and pull it off.
ReplyDeleteMy dog likes to roll around in the grass after a bath. It's almost pointless to wash him.