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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Book Excerpt - Detached by Jill Cooper (A Rewind Agency Novel) plus $10 Amazon GC Giveaway

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What you do tomorrow, you'll pay for today. 
Life was easier in the cage, now Lara Crane’s life is under a microscope. She thought she was out, ready for a normal life, but with the Feds endless questions and tests, Lara realizes she might never be free. Things would be worse if not for Donovan. They promise to ride it out together as Lara is fitted with a time travel restraint, designed to not only stop her, but to save her life as her mind spirals out of control. No more second chances. No more time travel to revert everything back the way it was once before. As the danger increases, so does Lara’s headaches and nightmares. Her brain is desperate to be free, loose, and as the future begins to flash all around her, Lara is terrified the end might be near. And maybe she doesn’t have a future at all.

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Book Excerpt
The reality of the situation sets in as I’m put into a car and driven home. I’ve been fitted with a GPS device that stops me from traveling back in time. That means there’s nowhere I can run, nowhere I can hide. All our plans, all our secrets now are for nothing. And the government might protest it’s for my own good, but who are they kidding?
I’m not the naïve kid I was who went back in time to save Mom. They want the secrets of my mind and don’t want me to interfere. Don’t want me to stop them.
When I try to time travel, nothing happens. Things don’t slow down, nothing pixelates and I don’t have even a slight itch of a headache.
They’ve neutered me worse than Rex ever did. I guess I know what Rewind was working on for the last year. A way to stop me. A way to study me so they can replicate me.
And when they’re done with me? Then what. What will it mean for me?
Outside the rain slows down to a slow splatter as the car pulls over to the curb. I stare up at my home, the Montgomery brownstone where I’ve lived for the better part of my life. Seeing it should make me feel better, but it doesn’t. Inside is my family, my sister and brother. I should be happy to be away from Rewind and back home.
But knowing what’s coming? Complicates matters.
I step outside and shield my eyes to protect them from the rain as the front door opens. I expect it to be Mom, maybe Dad. But it’s Donovan.
Donovan. My heart wrenches. All our plans. Our future.
Still as he races down the steps to see me, I can’t slow the pounding in my heart. I throw myself into his arms and he catches me, swinging me around. At least for a minute, a few seconds I have what every normal teenage girl wants.
Love, acceptance.
It doesn’t matter that we’re in the rain. That his wavy hair is going flat under the downpour, all that matters is that we’re together. I’m in his arms again.
The car behind me whizzes away and Donovan’s deep eyes search mine. “Are you all right?” He cups my face in his hands. Our lips finding each other is the only answer I need to give. It’s a soul searching kiss, one where we give ourselves over to one another completely. 
I grip his jacket tight like if I were let go, I might free fall into the abyss. 
I don’t want to tell him our plan is off. It’ll kill me to disappoint him so I just nod, throw my arms around him, and never want to let him go. “I was pretty scared, but I’m all right. Don,” my voices is soft and I dread what’s coming next, “there’s something I need to—.”
“Lara?” Mom’s voice warbles as she runs down the stairs to greet me and Dad isn’t even two steps behind. We’re crushed like a jelly sandwich in their hug.
“Let’s get you in from the rain.” Dad says, my ever protector now that he’s out from prison. “Let’s get you inside and you call tell us all about it. If you want to, that is.”
“Sure.” I’m hesitant as I scan their faces. They’re all so expectant. Mom strokes my hair as we walk up the stairs. How upset I was, what they did to me, will kill her. 
So when I step inside, I downplay it with a shrug. “Wasn’t so bad.” Minus the drugs.“They fit me with something to help stabilize my…headaches and it’ll monitor my vitals.”
Mom sighs and strokes my arms. “I know it’s not what you wanted. What any of us wanted, but maybe it won’t go as bad as you think. Maybe if we cooperate…”
“That’s not what you were saying a few hours ago.” Dad smirks.
Mom throws him a look. The type of look an annoyed wife gives her husband and I wonder what’s been going on. I’ve noticed them getting closer in the recent months, but is it real? Or is it just because of me? “I was worried about, Lara. But maybe if we cooperate more, maybe they won’t shut us out so much.”
The government? Mom is delusional, but I can’t break her of that. Maybe right now that’s what she has to believe. So I nod. “Maybe, Mom.”

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Sharon x

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  1. I think I would like to go to the 60's. There was just so much happeing then. I wouldnt want to go back to a time where they didnt have showers and flush toilets lol

  2. Well, the first thing to come to mind is go to Dallas on 11/23/63 and stare at the grassy knoll... but then there is also Ancient Egypt during Hatshepsut's time...

  3. The 1920's could be lots of fun. Love the clothes & hats. I could rock a cloche.


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