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Monday, February 23, 2015

Book Excerpt - Asking for Trouble (Tremayne Family #1) by Anna J. Stewart plus $50 Amazon/BN/iTunes GC giveaway

A themed tour through Prism Book Tours.

Asking for Trouble (Tremayne Family, #1)Asking for Trouble
(Tremayne Family #1)
Anna J. Stewart
Adult Contemporary Romance
February 17th 2015 by Berkley InterMix

The Tremaynes are one of the most prosperous families in Lantano Valley, California. But money can’t buy everything—especially when it comes to love…

Morgan Tramayne has a heart of gold, but to keep her children’s charity afloat she’s had to resort to some less than legal means: donations from a notorious cat burglar who targets the wealthy. It’s only a matter of time before Morgan’s criminal connection blows up in her face—especially since her undeniable attraction to the man heading the investigation keeps putting her in tricky situations.

Former police detective-turned-investigator Gage Juliano has two goals: salvaging his career and nabbing Lantano Valley’s present-day Robin Hood. But when he meets a beautiful, curvaceous woman who’s more interested in helping others than amassing a fortune like the rest of the town’s residents, Gage finds his desires pulled in an unexpected direction…

Note: This novel contains some mature content.

Book Excerpt
Morgan scrubbed tired hands down her face. What she wouldn’t give for a six-pack of Red Bull about now. Instead, she settled for making a cup of coffee.
Time to gear up and raise more money in one night than the Tremayne Foundation ever had before. Her mother would expect nothing less, and Morgan needed nothing less. It was the only way out of the mess she’d made. Besides, every second she spent worrying about money was energy stolen from the kids and the work she still needed to do.
Morgan had just grabbed her travel cup of coffee when footsteps sounded behind her and eight-year-old Kelley Black ran to her, her poofy ice blue princess dress billowing around her thin frame.
“Can’t I come to the party with you?” Kelley plucked at the hem of Morgan’s shirt. “I have a pretty dress, too. I’ll be good. I promise. I won’t get sick or anything.”
“I’m sorry, Kelley.” Morgan bent down to meet Kelley eye to eye and took her hand in hers. She never liked talking down to kids. “This is a grown-ups-only party. It has nothing to do with you being sick. I love you no matter what.”
“But I’m not sick,” Kelley insisted, swinging their linked hands as she shuffled her feet.
“No, you’re not.” But the leukemia, or rather the chemo-radiation treatment, had hit Kelley hard. Losing her waist-length blond curls had been the least of their concerns. But three months later, save for her slight stature and the peach fuzz dusting of hair, all outward signs of Kelley’s fight had faded. “And we’ll see about the next party, okay? Maybe you can come then.”
Kelley brightened, her baby blue eyes sparking. “Really? And I can have a party dress like yours? Lydia, too?”
Morgan laughed, grateful for the reminder that there was life beyond financial issues and the desperate measures she’d taken to solve them. She pulled Kelley into her arms, amazed that such a small child could endure so much. “I said we’ll see.”
“Yeah, but that means maybe, and maybe isn’t no,” Kelley squealed, jumping away. “Wait ’til I tell Lydia she’s getting a princess dress, too. Make sure you watch out for him tonight, Morgan.”
Morgan blinked. “Who?”
“Prince Charming. He’ll be there, I just know it. Lydia!” Kelley called, racing out of the kitchen again. “Guess what?”
Morgan rubbed her eyes. Prince Charming. Because what was missing in her life was a high-maintenance prince. She heard the familiar muffler rattle of the Fiorellis’ minivan pulling into the driveway. Now, if Prince Charming came with a huge bank account that wasn’t filled with fenced goods, a set of power tools, and an over-generous heart— Morgan grinned, secure in the knowledge that a man like that didn’t exist. But if one did—yeah. She’d find a way to make that work.

You’ve met Anna J. Stewart (or someone like her) before. She was the girl who spun in circles on the playground hoping her Wonder Woman costume would magically appear before playing cops and robbers a la Charlie’s Angels–as Sabrina (she was the smart one). Anna was the girl in the back of the class with a paperback romance hidden in her algebra book (and yes, she failed algebra).
Growing up in the 70′s and 80′s meant there weren’t a lot of YA books, so she ventured early into mainstream fiction and read Stephen King’s CARRIE at the age of 8. Discovering Nora Roberts and romance novels early in high school opened her eyes to the wonders of storytelling and the beauty of a happily ever after.

So here she is, many years later with an English degree from CSU Sacramento, an RWA Golden Heart nomination behind her, countless stories in her head, and a serious addiction to STAR TREK, SUPERNATURAL, and SHERLOCK. She recently wrapped up a nearly 8-year stint working as assistant to NYTimes bestselling author Brenda Novak where she helped run Brenda's annual online auction for diabetes research. When she's not writing or reading (which she never has enough time for!), she's working on dollhouse miniatures and tolerating her overly-affectionate cat named Snickers (or perhaps it's Snickers who tolerates her).

Tour-Wide Giveaway

$50 Gift Card (Winner's Choice of Amazon, BN or iTunes)

Sharon x

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  1. I hate personal money worries. I'd rather read a novel about money problems. This seems like a good one.

  2. Thanks so much for including me on your blog! Appreciate it! Happy reading. :)

  3. Book sounds really interesting, thank you for the reveal!

  4. Nice excerpt! The book sounds great as well. :)

  5. great title and cover thanks for the givaway - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  6. I think it's so cool you got to work with Brenda Novak! She's great, as well. An amazing coincidence: our DOG is named Snickers! She may be a Bassett hound, but she's a diva with an attitude.


Always lovely to hear your comments xx

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