Asher St Paul thought it was just a typical zombie apocalypse like in the movies, until the necromancers crawled out of the woodwork. Since the undead have chased the living into hiding, the necromancers are able to roam freely in a new America of their making. Asher is seeking safe harbor. The need for safety is what drove him from his home in Philadelphia Pennsylvania before it was shelled. He has searched from quarantine to quarantine, always finding them overrun with zombies until he hears of The Refuge, a military compound in Binghamton New York.
With his family and lover lain to rest by his own hand, he has nothing left to lose and gives everything he has to reach the safe haven. But questions arise when he reaches The Refuge, mainly, how has he been able to sustain multiple zombie bites and not change? He thinks he has found safety in the military compound turned quarantine, but he was wrong. Even now there is a necromancer trying to make The Refuge their kingdom of the dead.
Author Travis J Simmon's website
"All right, now this book started out fantastic and only got better. I was able to pick right up with this one and keep going." - review for the authors work on
"As I got deeper into the book, it all kinda came together. I loved the
It was full of suspense and emotion. You really began to feel
what the characters were
feeling. Travis did a great job leaving you on
the edge of your seat as the
journey continued." - review for the authors work on
really enjoyed reading this book. Travis Simmons is a very talented and
creative writer and I will definitely be reading more of his work. I
currently have a few of his titles on my To Be Read list. Without a
doubt, I will keep track of his books. I enjoy the author’s skills of
world building – especially how he creates his characters." - review of the authors work on Goodreads
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Sharon x
This looks like an awesome read - you had me at the cover! I'll definitely keep a lookout for this one.