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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Genesis One Code by Daniel Friedmann Guest Post

The Genesis One Code reaches Families
Daniel Friedmann talks about how families will benefit from the book

Were the heavens and the earth created 6,000 years ago, as the Bible suggests? Or did the
universe expand into existence nearly 14 billion years ago from a spontaneous “Big Bang”? Both
dates cannot be right. Or can they?

The Genesis One Code carefully examines the relationship between scientific theory and biblical
teachings. The Genesis One Code is the first book to rigorously reconcile the religious and
scientific accounts of our origins, written in response to most people’s quandary about the origins
of the universe and life, and the seemingly incompatibility between the biblical description and
the latest scientific findings.

I found that teenage kids are very intrigued by it. Others have used sound and convincing
arguments to try to show that one side or the other is right. But this approach is unsatisfying to
our kids, because, in the final analysis, neither side can completely prove their arguments. The
Genesis One Code approaches the issue by showing that the two accounts (biblical and
scientific) are indeed in agreement as to what happened and when it happened with respect to the
development of the universe and the appearance of life on earth.

The chronology of Genesis and science agree for almost everything so it was straight forward to compare  everything. The points of comparison focused on the events described in Genesis. Although science has a more detailed chronology Genesis contains the key highlights.

How does it do this? It recognizes a well-known scientific principle which is also found in the
scriptures–time is relative and in the eye of the observer. A Creation Day is really a very specific
period of time as detailed in scriptures but it is not one of our 24 hour days. When the creation
account is converted to our time as measured in science it lines up perfectly with the latest
scientific discoveries!

Reading the book with your family will bring ours of quality discussion about science, religion
philosophy and the meaning and purpose of life.

About the Author - Daniel Friedmann

Daniel Friedmann is CEO of MDA Corp., specializing in robotics. He has a master's in 
engineering physics and 30 years' experience in the space industry. He has published more than 20 peer-reviewed scientific papers on space industry topics. He is also a longtime student of cosmology and religion. 

The Genesis One Code is currently available on
printed version           ebook version

sponsored by The YP Publishing


  1. Great Gift for the Dad or Kid who has everything. A unique book that would leave families together having endless hours of discussion.

  2. This sound like a great book, and a gift idea for my daughter who loves to read. Thanks for sharing your review.

  3. That book looks like something that my husband would like. Thanks for sharing!


  4. This book looks fantastic! Great for my dad!

  5. I love books about religion like the Da Vinci Code, added this to me To read list!


Always lovely to hear your comments xx

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